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Invited Conferences


  • L’écosystème de recherche à la Faculté des sciences de l’Université de Sherbrooke. 35e Entretiens Jacques Cartier, Clermont-Ferrand, France. (2023). Invited conference.
  • Simulation moléculaire : une piste pour améliorer notre compréhension de la conductivité dans les électrolytes. Symposium – Recherche sur la batterie – HydroQuébec, Varennes, Canada. (2023). Invited conference.
  • A Glass transition in Isolated Chains. CQMF/QCAM, Victoriaville, Canada. (2023). Invited conference.
  • From Nano to Single Polymer Chain: A Chemist Perspective of the Glass Transition. International Conference on Advanced Materials, Singapour, Singapore. (2023). Invited conference.
  • Spanning from the Nano-scale to Individual Polymer chains: A Chemical Perspective on the Glass Transition. Polymer Science and Engineering, San Francisco, United States of America. (2023). Invited conference.


  • From nano to single polymer chain: a chemist perspective of the glass transition. International Symposium on Polymer Nanocomposites, Lorient, France. (2022). Invited conference.
  • How can theoretical studies lead to societal impact? From the glass transition to molecular Auxetic. Invited conference of ISM (Insitut des Sciences Moléculaires de Bordeaux), Bordeaux, France. (2022). Invited conference.
  • Simulation de la transition vitreuse et de propriétés mécaniques de polymères. Entretiens Jacques Cartier – Enjeux de l’innovation et des nouvelles technologies, Sherbrooke, Canada. (2022). Invited conference.
  • Une vision chimique de la transition vitreuse des polymères. 17 eme Rencontre des Chimistes Théoriciens Francophones, Bordeaux, France. L’Approche in Silico au sein des matériaux organiques. Department of Chemistry / University of Montpellier, Montpellier (France), France. (2022). Invited conference.
  • From Nano to Single Polymer Chain: A Chemist Perspective of the Glass Transition. PTC Seminar – Chemical Institute of Canada, Canada. (2022). Invited conference.
  • Comment des études théoriques peuvent mener à un impact sociétal ? De la transition vitreuse aux auxétiques moléculaires. Conferences Val Cartier Defense, Canada. (2022). Invited conference.
  • Sadollah Ebrahimi, Jean-Christophe Daigle. Molecular simulation for a better understanding of conductivity within OIPC. Scientific Days at HydroQuebec, Varennes, Canada. (2022). Invited conference.


  • S. Ebrahimi, M. Meunier, A. Soldera. Dynamical Mechanical Analysis (DMA) of Polybutadiene using Molecular Dynamics Simulations. ACS Spring Meeting – Rubber Division, United States of America. (2021). Invited conference.
  • Synthèse de Réseautage et Coopération internationale Atelier 6. Assises de la Francophonie scientifique, Bucarest, Romania. (2021). Invited conference.
  • Sadollah Ebrahimi, Marc Meunier. (2021). Dynamical Mechanical Analysis (DMA) of Polybutadiene using Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Biovia Conference 2021, Canada. (2021). Invited conference.
  • Mohamed Ouassini Bensaid, Redouane Miloua, Mohammed Khadraoui, Attouya Bouzidi, Mourad Medles, Armand Soldera. (2021). Multiscale simulation and design of transparent polymer thin films. 1st International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials, Ouargla, Algeria. (2021). Invited conference.



  • The 16th pacific polymer conference, Polymer Physics: Structure, Properties, and Processing, Singapore (Asia), December 8-12 (2019). Invited conference, symposium 2.
  • Molecular Simulation : A New Way to Probe Phase Transitions in Soft Matter. Séminaire SIMM, Paris (France), October 18 (2019). Invited conference.
  • A Chemical Perspective of the Glass Transition thanks to MD. Congrès des Chimistes Théoriciens d’Expression Latine (CHITEL), Montreal (Quebec), August 25-30 (2019). Invited conference.
  • Glass Transition in Polymers According to a Chemical Vision. Intern. Congress on Advanced Materials Sciences and Engineering, Theme: Redefining the Future of Advanced Materials, Osaka (Japan), July 22-24 (2019). Invited conference.
  • The Glass Transition in Polymers From a Chemist Perspective. 10th Intern. Conf. on Materials for Advanced Technologies, MRS-Singapore, Singapore (Singapore), June 23-28 (2019). Invited conference.
  • Mechanical Equilibrium: a Prerequisite to Simulate the Mechanical Properties and Glass Transition?. 10th International Conf. on Materials for Advanced Technologies, MRS-Singapore, Optical Materials Symposium, Singapour, Singapour, 2019.
  • A Chemist View of the Glass Transition in Polymers,102nd Canadian Chemistry Conference – Symposium in Honor of Robert Prud’homme, Québec (Canada), June 3-7 (2019). Invited conference.
  • Multi-Scale Simulation: Emergence or Reductionism. Invitation by Center for Research in Molecular Modeling, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada. 2019. Invited conference.


  • Soldera, Glass transition in Polymers from A Molecular Dynamics Viewpoint, SPSI-Macro 2018, Pune (India), December 2018. Invited conference.
  • Soldera, Multi-scale approach for the design of polymers. 3rd Science and Engineering of Polymeric Materials, Sousse, Tunisie, 2018. Multi-scale approach for the design of polymers. 3rd Science and Engineering of Polymeric
    Materials, Sousse, Tunisie. 2018. Invited conference.
  • Soldera, In Silico Approach for the Design of Advanced Materials, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi (India), December 17th Invited conference.
  • Soldera, Can We Design Auxetic Molecules?, Auxetics 2018, Sheffield (UK), September 2018. Invited conference.
  • Soldera, Can We Design Auxetic Materials?, Int. Conf. on Energy, Materials and Photonics (EMP18), Montreal, July 2018. Invited conference.
  • Soldera, N. Anousheh. Impact of Regioisomerism Defects in the Thermal Stability of Crystal Structure of PVDF, Fluoropolymer 2018, ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry, Denver (CO, USA), June 2018. Invited conference.


  • Soldera, Multi-Scale Approach for the Design of Functional Materials. 1st Korea-Quebec-France Workshop on Nanomaterials and Advanced Functional Materials, Seoul (South Korea), November 14 (2017). Invited conference.
  • Soldera, Mechanical Equilibrium: A Prerequisite to Simulate the Glass Transition and Mechanical Properties?. BIOVIA Materials Studio Community Days, Brussels (Belgium), October 5 (2017).  Invited conference.
  • Soldera, Simulation moléculaire: Un outil au laboratoire à part entière. Workshop on Nanomaterials (CFQCU), Lorient (France), September 21 (2017).  Invited conference.
  • Soldera, M.O. Bensaïd, R. Miloua, L. Ghalouci, F. Godey. A Multiscale Simulation Approach to Design and Optimize Polymer-Based Photonic Devices. 9th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies of the MRS of Singapore, Singapore (Singapore), June 18-23 (2017). Invited conference.


  • Mise en oeuvre in silico de polymeres. Entretiens Jacques Cartier, Lyon (France), Nov. 21-23 (2016). Invited conference.
  • Mise en oeuvre de polymeres in silico. 45eme Colloque du Groupe Francais des Polymeres – 7emes Rencontres Franco-Quebecoise sur les Polymeres, Marseille (France), Nov. 15-18 (2016). Invited conference.
  • Godey, A. Fleury, A. Ghoufi, A. Soldera. The extent of the glass transition from fine grained simulation an overcranking perspective. The 4th International Conference on Molecular Simulation, Shanghai (China), Oct. 23-26 (2016). Invited conference.
  • Cuierrier, F. Porzio, V. Ladmiral, B. Ameduri, A. Soldera. Characterization of the Telomerisation Reaction Path of Fluorinated Polymers. Fluoropolymer 2016 ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry, New Orleans (Louisiana USA), Oct. 2-5 (2016).Invited conference.
  • Porzio, E. Cuierrier, C. Wespiser, R. Underhill, A. Soldera. Molecular Simulation as a Guide for Potential Auxetic Materials. 7th International Conference Auxetics and other materials and models with “negative” characteristics, Szymbark (Poland), Sept. 12-16 (2016). Invited conference.
  • Multi-Scale Approach for the Design of Advanced Materials. Emerging Technologies Communications Microsystems Optoelectronics Sensors ETCMOS, Montreal Quebec (Canada), May 25-27 (2016). Invited speaker.
  • Multi-Scale Simulation: Emergence or Reductionism. CERMM, Concordia University, Montréal, March 15 (2016). Invited conference.
  • Porzio, C. Wespiser, A. Soldera. What is the ability of all-atom simulation to depict accurately the Sm C phase?. 2016 Energy Materials Nanotechnology Meeting on Liquid Crystal, Orlando Florida (USA), February 16-19 (2016). Invited speaker.
  • Soldera A. (2016). Multi-Scale Simulation: Emergence or Reductionism. Seminar from the Faculty of Science of the University of Jinan, Jinan, Chine. Invited conference.
  • Godey F*, Fleury A*, Ghoufi A, Soldera A+. (2016). Étendue de la Transition vitreuse à partir de Simulation Moléculaire : Effet du Ralenti. 44e Colloque National du Groupe Français des Polymères, Marseille, France. Conférence invitée.
  • Soldera A+. (2016). Simulation Moléculaire : Un Outil au Laboratoire à Part Entière. Workshop on Nanomaterials (CFQCU), Sherbrooke, Canada. Conférence invitée.


  • Soldera. In silico Processing of Polymers. Asian Workshop on Polymer Processing, Singapore (Singapore), December 1-4 (2015). Keynote speaker.
  • Soldera. Simulation Atomistique : un outil pour la Conception de Matériaux Avancés ?. Institut de Physique de Rennes (IPR), Rennes (France), Octobre 6 (2015). Invited conference.
  • Soldera. Multiscale Approach for the Design of Advanced Hybrid Materials. 8th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies of the MRS of Singapore, Singapore (Singapore), July 3 (2015). Invited conference.
  • Godey, S. Palato, A. Soldera. Vision Atomistique de la Transition Vitreuse au Sein des Polymeres. 5e edition des rencontres scientifiques universitaires Sherbrooke-Montpellier, Sherbrooke (Québec), June 10 (2015). Invited conference.
  • Soldera. Multiscale Simulation to Explore the Effects of Water in Nafion. Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Varennes (Québec), February 20 (2015).Invited conference.
  • Wespiser C*+, Soldera A. (2015). Simulation atomistique de cristaux liquides. Université de Namur, Laboratoire de Chimie Théorique, Namur, Belgique. Conférence invitée.


  • Soldera, F. Porzio, E. Levert, Nouvelles perspectives dans la compréhension de phases liquides cristallines, 82e Congrès ACFAS, Montréal (Canada), May 14, (2014). Conférence invitée.
  • Soldera. What Became of My Sulfinates? Que sont devenus mes sulfinates?, Scientific Day / Journée scientifique Daniel Guillon, Strastbourg (France), April 17, (2014). Conférence invitée.
  • Anousheh N*, Godey F*, Soldera A+. (2014). Impact of Regiospecific Defects on Phase Transitions of PVDF. ACS Fluoropolymer 2014, San Diego, États-Unis. Conférence invitée.


  • Soldera, Multiscale Simulation to Explore the Effects of Water in Nafion, Workshop: Water Phenomena in PEM – Sorption, Swelling and Breakthrough Processes, Trondheim (Norway), October 3-4, (2013). Invited conference.
  • Soldera, La simulation moléculaire utilisée comme moyen de contrôle de l’architecture de polymères, 4èmes Rencontres Scientifiques Universitaires Montpellier/Sherbrooke, Montpellier (France), June 26-28, (2013). Conférence invitée.
  • Soldera, Using Atomistic and Mesoscopic Simulations to Study Controlled Architectures of Polymers, 96th Canadian Chemistry Conference, Québec (Canada), May. 26-30, (2013). Invited conference.


  • Soldera. Concertation au sein du triumvirat : Expérience – Simulation -Théorie. Université de Dijon, Dijon (France), May 4 2010 (2010). Invited conference.
  • Soldera. Expérience – Simulation -Théorie : le triumvirat de la conception de molécules performantes. Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston (Ontario), March 30 (2010). Invited conference.


  • Soldera. Expérience – Simulation -Théorie : le triumvirat de la conception de molécules performantes. Université du Québec è Montréal, Montréal (Québec), Oct. 9 (2009). Invited conference.


  • Soldera. Méthodes de simulation multiéchelle en science des polymères. Université de Bretagne Sud, Lorient (France), June 27 (2008). Invited conference.
  • Soldera. Approche multiéchelle dans l’étude des polymères. 29èmes;Journées du Groupe Français des Polymères Section Ouest, Brest (France), June 12 (2008). Invited conference.


  • Soldera. Approche multiéchelle en chimie de la matière molle : La chimie quantique permet-elle de choisir nos pneus. Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke (Québec), Nov. 21 (2007). Invited conference.
  • Soldera. Can Quantum Chemistry help choosing your winter tires?: A cooperative link between multi-scale and emergence. National Technical University of Athens, Athens (Greece), Sept. 24 (2007). Invited conference.
  • Soldera, T.W. Capehart. A Multi-Scale Approach to the Study of Membranes in PEMFC. 19thCanadian Materials Science Conference, McMaster University (Ontario), June (2007). Invited conference.
  • Soldera. Approche multi-échelle pour l’étude de la matière molle”. Colloque annuel du CERSIM, Québec (Québec), May 22 (2007). Invited conference.
  • Soldera. Multi-scale approach in soft-matter chemistry: can quantum chemistry help choosing your winter tires?. FUNDP, Namur (Belgium), May 8 (2007). Invited conference.
  • W. Capehart, A. Soldera. Decomposition of Polydispersed ABA’ Triblock Copolymers Determined from the Random Phase Approximation. 2007 APS March Meeting, Denver (Colorado USA), March (2007). Invited conference.


  • Soldera. How to increase interest in polymers for students in chemistry? Is the multi-disciplinary approach the key?. Macro 2006 IUPAC, Rio di Janeiro (Brazil), July (2006). Invited conference.


  • Soldera. La coopération entre molécules au sein de la matière molle. Université de Bretagne Sud, Lorient (France), Nov. 10 (2005).Invited conference.
  • Soldera. étude par modélisation atomistique de la différence de températures de transition vitreuse de polymères vinyliques stéréoréguliers. 6èmecolloque GFP-SQP, (Lille France), Nov. 5-9 (2005). Invited conference.
  • Soldera. La coopération entre molécules au sein de la matière molle. Congrès IMSI, Sherbrooke (Québec), Nov. (2005). Invited conference.
  • Soldera. Conception guidée par ordinateur: Cas des cristaux liquides. Collège édouard Monpetit, Longueil (Qébec), Feb. 16 (2005). Invited conference.


  • Soldera. Interactions of PMMA on a surface envisioned by molecular modeling. Congrès e-MRS, Strasbourg (France), May (2004). Invited conference.
  • Soldera. Structural Modification of Soft Matter Envisioned by Molecular Modeling. Department of Chemistry and Biology Concordia University, Montréal (Québec), March (2004). Invited conference.
  • Soldera. Modélisation Moléculaire: Théorie ET Expérience. Département de Physique Université de Montréal, Montréal (Québec), Feb. (2004). Invited conference.
  • Soldera. études des interactions au sein de la matière molle. CEA-LR, Monts (France), Feb. (2004). Invited conference.


  • Soldera. Modélisation Moléculaire: Théorie OU Expérience. Congrès IMSI, Sherbrooke (Québec), Nov. (2003). Invited conference.
  • Soldera. The glass transition of PMMAs studied by molecular modeling. CERMM Concordia University, Montréal (Québec), Jan. (2003). Invited conference.


  • Soldera. Conception de nouvelles molécules C* pour l’optique non-linéaire. CERSIM Département de Chimie Université Laval, Québec (Québec), Nov. 25 (2002). Invited conference.
  • Soldera. Propriétés optiques dans le milieu IR de films de polymères: Comparaison simulation à l’expérience. Congrès de spectroscopie Raman et IR des matériaux polymères (Groupe Français de Spectroscopie Vibrationnelle), Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), Dec. 4-6 (2002). Invited conference.
  • Soldera. MD Simulation of Stereoregular PMMAs: Energetic Analysis and Local Dynamics. 31st Canadian High Polymer Forum, Aylmer (Québec), Aug. 11-14 (2002). Invited conference.
  • Soldera. Conception de nouvelles molécules smectogènes pour l’optique non-linéaire. Département de Physique de l’Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke (Québec), May 1 (2002). Invited conference.


  • Soldera, Y. Grohens. MD Simulation of Stereoregular PMMA. APME’01, Tennessee (USA), Aug. 22 (2001). Invited conference.


  • Soldera. Dynamique Locale des Polymères et Modélisation Moléculaire. Journées RMN, Tours (France), Dec. 4-5 (2000). Invited conference.
  • Soldera. Classical andab initiomodeling of optical materials. Workshop on Advancements in Numerical Simulations and Smart Materials Seoul University, Seoul (South Korea), June 7-8 (2000). Invited conference.
  • Soldera. Dynamique Moléculaire des deux tacticités du PMMA. Département Polymères Colloïdes et Interfaces de l’Université du Maine, Le Mans (France), May 12 (2000). Invited conference.
  • Soldera. La modélisation moléculaire des polymères. Département de Chimie de l’Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke (Québec), Jan. 5 (2000). Invited conference.


  • Soldera. Etudes de la configuration des polymères par modélisation moléculaire. Rencontre Société Françaaise de Chimie-CEA, Tours (France), June 14 (1999). Invited conference.


  • Soldera. Conception de matériaux pour l’optique et l’infrarouge. Ecole d’Eté d’Aquitaine, Bordeaux (France), Sept. 7 (1998). Invited conference.


  • Soldera. Simulation moléculaire de matériaux organiques: un outil de prédiction fondé sur l’analyse conformationnelle. Département des Surfaces et Interfaces CNRS Université de Mulhouse, Mulhouse (France), Jan. 24 (1997). Invited conference.


  • Soldera. Simulation moléculaire de matériaux organiques: un outil de prédiction fondé sur l’analyse conformationnelle. Département de Chimie de l’Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke (Québec), Sept. 4 (1996). Invited conference.


  • Soldera. Obtention de Nouveaux Cristaux Liquides Smectiques C* Chiraux Ferroélectriques Contenant un Groupe Sulfinate Comme Centre Asymétrique. Département de Chimie CERSIM Université Laval, Québec (Québec), Sept. (1992). Invited conference.

Other Conferences


  • Can We Design Auxetic Polymers at the Molecular Level ?. 102nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Dynamic Molecular Materials Symposium, Quebec, Canada. 2019.


  • Soldera, N. Anousheh, F. Godey. Impact of Regiospecific Defects on the Glass Transition of PVDF. European Polymer Federation (EPF), Lyon (France), July. 2-7 (2017).
  • Soldera, F. Porzio, E. Cuierrier, C. Wespiser, R. S. Underhill. Can We Design Auxetic Polymers At the Molecular Level ?9th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies of the MRS of Singapore, Singapore (Singapore), June 18-23 (2017).
  • St-Onge V*+, Soldera A. (2017). Laboratory of Physical-Chemistry of Matter (LPCM). 1st Colloque du Centre Québécois sur les Matériaux Fonctionnels / Québec Center for Advanced Materials (CQMF/QCAM), Montréal, Canada.
  • Fleury A*+, Soldera A. (2017). [P] Laboratory of Physical-Chemistry of Matter (LPCM). Workshop on Nanomaterials (CFQCU), Lorient, France.
  • Godey F*+, Meunier M, Soldera A. (2017). [P] Investigating the effect of molecular dynamics simulation settings on the prediction of the glass transition. 16e European Polymer Congress, Lyon, France.
  • Shamloo A*+, Rodrigue D, Soldera A. (2017). [P] Processing condition and thermal and mechanical behavior of Polyethylene nanocrystal Envisioned by Fine-Grained Simulation. 1er Colloque annuel du Centre Québécois sur les Matériaux Fonctionnels / Québec Center for Advanced Materials, Sherbrooke,
  • Cuierrier E*+, Soldera A. (2017). Simulation à gros-grains de polymères cristaux liquides auxétiques. 1er Colloque Annuel CQMF/QCAM, Sherbrooke, Canada.
  • Shamloo A*+, Rodrigue D, Soldera A. (2017). Mechanical and Physical Properties of Polyethylene: Comparison between Experiments and Simulation. 253nd ACS National Meeting, San Fancisco, États-Unis.
  • Godey F*+, Soldera A. (2017). [P] Un point de vue atomistique de la transition vitreuse. 9e Colloque annuel du Centre Québécois sur les Matériaux Fonctionnels, Montréal, Canada.


  • Anousheh, F. Godey, A. Soldera. Unveiling the Impact of Regio-isomerism Defects in the Glass Transition Temperature of PVDF by the Mean of the Activation Energy. 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Hallifax (Nova Scotia Canada), June. 5-9 (2016).
  • St-Onge V*+, De Grandpré G*, Laventure A, Pellerin C, Lebel O, Soldera A. (2016). [P] Determination of Activation Parameters for Rotameric Exchange Using Dynamic NMR Spectroscopy. 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Halifax, Canada.
  • Shamloo A*+, Rodrigue D, Soldera A. (2016). Impact of Amorphous Environment on the Melting Temperature of Polyethylene Envisioned by Fine-Grained Simulation. 252nd ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, États-Unis.
  • Wespiser C*+, Soldera A. (2016). [P] The SmA Mesophase : Experiment, Theory and Simulation. 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Halifax, Canada.
  • Fleury A*+, Godey F*, Laflamme P*, Ghoufi A, Soldera A. (2016). [P] Is fine-grained simulation able to propose new polyelectrolyte membranes ?. 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CSC), Halifax, Canada.
  • Shamloo A*+, Rodrigue D, Soldera A. (2016). [P] Impact of Environment on Mechanical and Physical Properties of Polyethylene: Comparison between Experiments and Simulation. 9e Colloque annuel du Centre Québécois sur les Matériaux Fonctionnels, Montréal, Canada.
  • Wespiser C*+, Soldera A. (2016). [P] Simulation atomistique d’une mesophase induite par liaison halogène. 9e Colloque annuel du Centre Québécois sur les Matériaux Fonctionnels (CQMF), Montréal, Canada.
  • Wespiser C*+, Soldera A. (2016). [P] The SmA Mesophase : Experiment, Theory and Simulation. 26th International Liquid Crystal Conference, Kent, États-Unis.
  • Godey F*+, Anousheh N*, Soldera A. (2016). [P] Unveiling the Impact of Regio-Isomerism Defects in the Glass Transition Temperature of PVDF by the Mean of the Activation Energy. 42e Congrès annuel du Grouge Français des Polymères / 7e Rencontres Franco-Québécoises sur les Polymères, Marseille,
  • Cuierrier E*+, Soldera A. (2016). [P] Simulation d’un polymère liquide cristallin auxétique. Workshop on Nanomaterials (CFQCU), Sherbrooke, Canada.


  • Godey, A. Soldera. Can heterogeneity in amorphous polymers be envisioned using atomistic simulation?. Pacifichem 2015, Honolulu Hawaï (USA), December 15-20 (2015).
  • Laventure, A. Soldera, O. Lebel, C. Pellerin. In situ variable temperature infrared spectroscopy of the vitrification process: New molecular insights on an intriguing phenomenon. Pacifichem 2015, Honolulu Hawaï (USA), December 15-20 (2015).
  • Godey, S. Palato, A. Soldera. Atomistic Viewpoint of the Glass Transition in Amorphous Polymers. 98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Ottawa (Ontario), June 20 (2015).
  • Cuierrier, G. De, Grandpré, Y. Dory, Y, Zhao, A. Soldera. Investigation of a pH sensitive copolymer of PNIPAM by DFT calculations. 98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Ottawa (Ontario), June 20 (2015).
  • Godey F*+, Claverie J, Soldera A. (2015). [P] Polynorbornene : a new polymer for fuel cells membrane?. 98e Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Ottawa, Canada.
  • Wespiser C*+, Soldera A. (2015). [P] Simulation par dynamique moleculaire d’une mesophase induite par liaison halogene. 8e Colloque annuel du Centre Québécois sur les Matériaux Fonctionnels (CQMF), Drummondville, Canada.
  • Cuierrier E*+, Porzio F*, Soulestin T, Ladmiral V, Ameduri B, Soldera A. (2015). Calcul des constantes de transfert du polytrifluroéthylène par DFT. 5e Entretiens Sherbrooke-Montpellier, Sherbrooke, Canada.
  • Shamloo A*+, Rodrigue D, Soldera A. (2015). [P] Melting of polyethylene nanocrystals: Molecular dynamics simulation and experimental study. 5e entretiens Sherbrooke – Montpellier – Colloque Matériaux Fonctionnels, Sherbrooke, Canada.
  • St-Onge V*+, De Grandpré G*, Laventure A, Pellerin C, Lebel O, Soldera A. (2015). [P] Study of Structural Behavior of Molecular Glasses by Rotamers Population Analysis. 8e Colloque annuel du Centre Québécois sur les Matériaux Fonctionnels (CQMF), Drummondville, Canada.
  • St-Onge V*+, De Grandpré G*, Laventure A, Pellerin C, Lebel O, Soldera A. (2015). [P] Study of Structural Behavior of Molecular Glasses by Rotamers Population Analysis. 98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Ottawa, Canada.
  • Anouheh N*+, Soldera A. (2015). Impact of Regiospecific Defects on Thermal Behaviour of Poly(Vinylidene) Fluoride. 5e Entretiens Sherbrooke-Montpellier, Colloque Matériaux Fonctionnels, Sherbrooke, Canada.
  • Wespiser C*+, Soldera A. (2015). [P] Does Molecular Dynamics Help to Reveal the Smectic A Arrangement ?. 5e Entretiens Sherbrooke-Montpellier, Sherbrooke, Canada.
  • St-Onge V*+, De Grandpré G*, Laventure A, Pellerin C, Lebel O, Soldera A. (2015). [P] Study of Structural Behavior of Molecular Glasses by Rotamers Population Analysis. 5e Entretiens Sherbrooke—Montpellier, Sherbrooke, Canada.
  • Godey F*+, Soldera A. (2015). Point de vue atomistique de la transition vitreuse dans les polymères amorphes. 8e Colloque annuelle du Centre Québécois sur les Matériaux Fonctionnels (CQMF), Drummondville, Canada.
  • Anousheh N*+, Godey F*, Soldera A. (2015). Thermal Analysis of Poly Vinylidene Fluoride with Regiospecific Defects. 8e Colloque annuel du Centre Québécois sur les Matériaux Fonctionnels (CQMF), Drummondville, Canada.
  • Shamloo A*+, Rodrigue D, Soldera A. (2015). [P] Effect of Pressure on melting point of Polyethylene Nanocrystal. 8e Colloque annuel du Centre Québécois sur les Matériaux Fonctionnels, Drummondville, Canada Public principal.
  • Shamloo A*+, Rodrigue D, Soldera A. (2015). [P] Melting of polyethylene nanocrystals: Molecular dynamic simulation and experimental study. 98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Ottawa, Canada
  • Fleury F*+, Claverie J, Soldera A. (2015). [P] Simulation of new polynor-bornene derivatives proton exchange membranes for application in fuel cells. 98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CSC), Ottawa, Canada.
  • Wespiser C*+, Soldera A. (2015). [P] Does Molecular Dynamics Help to Reveal the Smectic A Arrangement ?. 98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Ottawa, Canada.


  • Shamloo, D.Rodrigue A.Soldera. Study of Polyethylene Crystallization. 7e Colloque Annuel du CQMF, Shawinigan (Québec Canada), November (2014).
  • Porzio, O. LeBel, R. Underhill, A. Soldera. Can We Design Auxetic Polymers at the Molecular Level?. 97th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Vancouver (Canada), June (2014).
  • Levert E*+, Soldera A. (2014). [P] Transition du discret vers le continu : la clé serait- elle au niveau mésoscopique ?. 82e congrès de l´ACFAS, Montréal, Canada.
  • Levert, S. Lacelle, A. Soldera. From discrete to continuous behavior: Could the Answers Lie on Mesoscopic Scale?. 97th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Vancouver (Canada), June (2014).
  • Porzio, E. Levert, A. Soldera. New Insights into the Thermal Stability of the Smectic C Phase. 97th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Vancouver (Canada), June (2014).
  • Cuierrier E*+, Zhang H, Marmin T, Dory Y, Zhao Y, Soldera A. (2014). [P] Analyse par DFT d’un copolymère du PNIPAM sensible au pH. 7e Colloque annuel du Centre Québécois sur les Matériaux Fonctionnels, Shawinigan, Canada.
  • Anousheh N*+, Soldera A. (2014). [P] Molecular Simulation of Poly (Vinylidene) Fluoride. ACS Fluoropolymer 2014, San Diego, États-Unis.
  • De Grandpré G*+, Soldera A. (2014). [P] Fonctionnalisation des verres moléculaires : Effet sur la Température de Transition Vitreuse. 7e Colloque annuel du Centre Québécois sur les Matériaux Fonctionnels (CQMF), Shawinigan, Canada.
  • De Grandpré G*+, Pellerin C, Lebel O, Soldera A. (2014). [P] Functionalization of molecular glasses: effect on the glass transition temperature. 97th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Godey F*+, Claverie J, Soldera A. (2014). [P] Quelle est la température de transition vitreuse du polynorbornène vinylique?. 82e congrès annuelle de l’Acfas, Montréal, Canada
  • Wespiser C*+, Soldera A. (2014). [P] Influence de l’orientation des mésogènes dans les cristaux liquides. 7e Colloque annuel du Centre Québécois sur les Matériaux Fonctionnels (CQMF), Shawinigan, Canada.


  • Levert E*+, Soldera A. (2013). [P] Molecular Rotors Operating on Mesoscopic Scale : a Transition from Discrete to Continuous Behaviour. 96th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CSC), Quebec, Canada.
  • Levert E*+, Soldera A. (2013). Transition du discret vers le continu : la clé serait- elle au niveau mésoscopique ?. 6e Colloque annuel du Centre Québécois sur les Matériaux Fonctionnels (CQMF), Shawinigan, Canada.
  • Godey F*+, Claverie J, Soldera A. (2013). [P] Quelle est la température de transition vitreuse du polynorbornène vinylique?. 6e Colloque annuelle du Centre Québécois sur les Matériaux Fonctionnels (CQMF), Shawinigan, Canada.


  • Soldera. Atomistic Simulation of Vinyl Polymers. 35th Canadian High Polymer Forum, Gananoque (Ontario), Aug. 14-17 (2012).
  • Soldera. Phase Transition and Morphology of Polydispersed Block Copolymers Determined by Continuous and Discrete Simulations. 95th Canadian Chemistry Conference, Calgary (Alberta), May 26-30 (2012).


  • Soldera. Multi-scale approach for designing new Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals with Nonlinear Optical properties. 13th International Conference on Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals, Niagara Falls (Ontario), August 29-September 2 (2011).


  • Soldera. Multi-Scale Approach to the Study of Fluoropolymers. International Workshop on Multi-Scale Dynamics of Structured Polymeric Materials, ESPCI Paris Tech and Michelin Paris (France), December 6-7 (2010). Selected Poster.
  • Soldera. Atomistic Simulation of the Glass Transition. Fluoropolymer 2010 ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry, Meze (France), June 13-16 (2010).
  • Soldera. Design of New Mesogenic Cores for Nonlinear Optical Applications. 93rd Canadian Chemistry Conference, Toronto (Ontario), May 29 – June 2 (2010).


  • Soldera. Approche multi-échelles appliquée è la conception de mésogènes pour l’optique nonlinéaire. 14ème Colloque Francophone des Cristaux Liquides, Orsay (France), Sept. 7-11 (2009).
  • Soldera, N. Metatla, A. Beaudoin, S. Said, Y. Grohens. Does a full atomistic simulation give a realistic picture of the glass transition. 6th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems, Rome (Italie), Aug. 29-Sept. 06 (2009).


  • Soldera, F. Perreault, B. Champagne. Multi-Scale Approach To The Design Of Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal for NLO Applications. International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2007 (ICCMSE 2007), Corfu (Greece), Sept. 25-30 (2007).
  • Soldera. Can Atomistic Simulation Accurately Represent Glass Transition of Polymers. 33rdCanadian High Polymer Forum, Gananoque (Ontario), Aug. (2007).


  • Soldera. Glass transition difference of stereoregular vinyl polymers envisioned by molecular simulation. Molecular Modeling of Polymers, Boras (Sweden), June 6-8 (2005).


  • Soldera, Y. Grohens. Dynamics of PMMA Chains Studied by Molecular Simulation. Congrès IUPAC-CCS, Ottawa (Ontario), Aug. (2003).
  • Soldera. Molecular Simulation of the Glass Transition in PMMA of Different Tacticities. Workshop on Molecular Simulation of Polymers and Liquid Crystals, Erice (Italy), July (2003).
  • Soldera. Molecular modeling used as a Probe of polymer Interactions. HPCS’2003, Sherbrooke (Québec), June (2003).
  • Soldera, Y. Grohens. Dynamique locale des deux tacticités du PMMA et modélisation moléculaire. 5èmecolloque GFP-SQP, Québec (Québec), June 1-4 (2003).


  • Soldera, Y. Grohens. Modélisation Moléculaire de la Transition Vitreuse de PMMA Stéréoréguliers. ACFAS journée en l’honneur du Prof. R.E. Prud’homme, Québec (Québec), May 13 (2002).


  • Soldera. Molecular Simulation of the Glass Transition of both PMMA Tacticities. Material Science Users Group Meeting Accelrys, Paris (France), Sept. (2001).


  • Soldera, Y. Grohens. MD Simulation of Stereoregular PMMA: Cooperavity in Conformational Transitions. APME’99, Glen Allen (Virginia USA), Aug. 2 (1999).


  • Soldera. Molecular Dynamics Studies of the Two PMMA Tacticities. European Polymer Users Group Meeting, University of Leeds (UK), Nov. 2 (1998).
  • Soldera. Polymer configurations studied by molecular simulations. Material Science Users Group Meeting, Paris (France), Sept. 14 (1998).


  • Soldera, A.M. Ritcey, R.E. Prud’homme. NMR Spectrography in the Solid State and Differential Thermical Analysis apply to the Study of Optically Active Polyesters. 76th Canadian Chemistry Conference, Sherbrooke (Québec), June 2 (1993).
  • Soldera, R.E. Prud’homme. Thermal Analysis of Optically Active Polyesters. 205th Americal Chemical Society Meeting, Denver (Colorado USA), April 1st (1993).