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Armand Soldera

Armand Soldera

Current Position

Vice Dean of Partnerships 2018 – …
Professor, Université de Sherbrooke 2009 – …


  • co-Editor-in-Chief of a new journal from Springer: Chemistry Africa
  • Chair of Centre Québécois sur les Matériaux Fonctionnels/Quebec Center for Functional Materials(CQMF/QCAM) May 2017 – …
  • Chair of the Centre for Advanced Materials of UdeS (CEMAUS)
  • Member of the Board of Directors of Calcul Québec
  • Associate Professor at ISMANS
  • Member of the Education Committee of GFP

Scientific Associations

  • Chair of Quebec Centre on Functional Materials (CQMF) June 2014 – May 2017
  • Member of CÉMOPUS
  • Visiting Member of CERMM
  • Member of Chemical Institute of Canada
  • Member of the American Chemical Society
  • Member of the Société Chimique de France

Previous Positions

  • Chair of the Chemistry Department June 2010-May 2016
  • Associate Professor, Université de Sherbrooke 2005-2009
  • Assistant Professor, Université de Sherbrooke 2002-2005
  • Research Engineer, CEA, France 1994-2002

University Background

  • PDF at RUG, Netherlands 1994
    Advisor: Pr. G. Hadziioannou
  • PDF at Université Laval (CERSIM), Québec 1992-1994;
    Advisors: Pr. R.E. Prud’homme et C.G. Bazuin
  • Ph.D. at Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France 1992;
    Advisors : Dr. D.Guillon et Pr. J.-f. Nicoud


  • Pr. P.D. Harvey (UdeS) : Liquid Crystals
  • Pr. J. Claverie (UdeS) : Polynorbornene, Cristallization
  • Pr. D. Rodrigue (ULaval, Quebec) : Cristallization
  • Pr. C. Pellerin (UdeM, Montreal) : Organic Glasses
  • Pr. O. Lebel (CMR, Kingston) : Organic Glasses
  • Pr. M. Gauthier (Waterloo) : Arborescent Polymers
  • Dr. R. Underhill (DRDC) : Auxetic Polymers
  • Pr. Y. Grohens (UBS, Lorient): PMMA
  • Dr. B. Ameduri (ENSCM, Montpellier) : Fluoropolymers
  • Pr. Y. Grohens (UBS, Lorient): PMMA
